
Dainon Haggard

I’ll be honest, I wasn’t a huge fan of the movie Batman VS. Superman. What’s the point of two Superhero’s fighting each other? They each have individual strengths and weaknesses, but they share the same mantra, fight crime. However, there is one feud I wouldn’t mind seeing through to the end, PAT VS. BANT on the sales…

Dainon Haggard

I don’t hunt wild game, but I have friends that do. I have learned over the years, that not only is it important for wild game hunters to scout out their area and game prospects, but it’s just as important for B2B hunters as well. Here are 3 important aspects to hunting B2B sales prospects….

Dainon Haggard

Early on in my B2B sales career I remember how excited I was to connect with a Senior Executive from a prospective company. I didn’t want to waste a moment, and oftentimes I jumped into a product demo via WebEx within the first 15 minutes of my initial phone call or meeting. My thinking was…

Dainon Haggard

“He who fails to plan is planning to fail” – Winston Churchill   Whether you are focused on closing out 2015, or preparing for 2016, you must have a plan in place. Here are 3 ways you can be successful.   1. Write down your plan. Be specific in your destination. Without a clear vision…

Dainon Haggard

Recently, a B2B Salesman asked me some questions about email prospecting. One question has remained with me. “In an email subject line, should I use “Re:” in my initial outreach?” I.E. he wanted to type, “Re: Meeting on Thursday.” My knee jerk reaction was, “Really? Do you hear yourself?”   Let me be clear, never…

Dainon Haggard

As sales men and women we are constantly faced with prospective customers saying “No.” This can be discouraging, or we can remind ourselves that we are one more “no” closer to a “yes.” Don’t become discouraged. Never give up. Keep fighting. Ask for constructive criticism from your mentor(s), and listen. Some of the World’s most…

Dainon Haggard

Years ago while attending my University, I heard a story about a religion Professor who conducted his final exam in an unusual way.   The course was New Testament 101, and there were probably over 100 students in class that term. The students arrived at the appointed time and place to take the exam only…

Dainon Haggard

Last night a friend shared with me a story of a medium sized company that held a funeral for an individual who held each of the employees back, thereby stunting everyone’s growth, including the company. The viewing was held outside the building. As individuals approached the casket, inside they saw a mirror with a note…

Dainon Haggard

The landscape of B2B buying has changed. There are simply too many tasks, communication channels, and distractions creating chaos that it’s easier for buyers to simply do NOTHING. Add to that society’s shift to a short attention span and risk aversion; and sales reps face quite the conundrum.   Sales reps must be able to…

Dainon Haggard

A couple of months ago I went to the Doctor’s office. I scheduled an appointment for 11:00 AM and arrived 15 minutes early. After waiting over two hours, I was finally called back to meet with the Doctor just after 1PM. It was absurd waiting two hours without any explanation.   Oftentimes, buyers feel the…