Prospecting requires a proper guide!

Dainon Haggard

I’ve never hunted with the intent to kill wild game, but I have hunted for prospects with the intent of selling SaaS!


“Always Do Your Best. What You Plant Now, Will Harvest Later.” – Og Mandino


Recently, a friend of mine was dropped off on a remote island in Alaska with a permit to kill a bear. These bears are not your typical 7 foot tall bears you might see in a Zoo. They are huge, and vicious, with an agenda of their own…to hunt anyone and anything on their island.


One of the most important preparations that he took with him, was a guide. Someone who had a map of the island, and who knew the terrain. This guide knew what bears could be found on this island, and where they might find them. My friend had two weeks to hunt his bear before meeting the plane at the other end of the island. If he didn’t show up, the pilot would know that something had happened, at which point a search and recover team would be sent in. Let’s just say, he successfully found his bear, and arrived on time for his flight home.


I share this story because it is a lot like sales prospecting. Bryan Tracy said, “keep your sales pipeline full by prospecting continuously. Always have more people to see than you have time to see them.” It’s imperative that you hunt. If you are going to be dropped off on an island (territory) with a specified timeline and permit (quota), make sure you hire a proper guide!


“Begin Always Expecting Good Things To Happen.” – Tom Hopkins


The best Guide I have ever worked with, is @DiscoverOrg. Unlike other wannabe guides, they have a professional team with assigned accounts that they keep tabs on. They know all the important events, new hires, employment changes, leadership movements, budgets, responsibilities, and contact information. If there is a particular contact you need, you can reach out to their team, and they will find them for you.


Their services have helped me generate a substantial pipeline. I’ve been able to secure meetings and phone calls with C-Suite Executives from almost all of the significant Enterprises in my territory. Of the Executives who didn’t take me up on my outreaches, it simply wasn’t the right time. Of course, this requires skill in crafting the right message, but with out @DiscoverOrg’s services, I wouldn’t have the ability to properly call, send my email, or mail my package of materials to the right address. It’s difficult navigating large Enterprises, and @DiscoverOrg helps me not waste my valuable time researching and guessing.


“Setting Goals Is The First Step In Turning The Invisible Into The Visible.” – Tony Robbins


In the end, if you need to #hunt and #close new business, make sure you hire the best guide in the industry. #Prospecting #HuntersAndClosers #DiscoverOrgSuccess #Sales


“Nothing Is Particularly Hard If You Divide It Into Small Jobs.” – Henry Ford


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